Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March Is Going Out Like A...?

With it now officially spring(according to the calender anyway) and March almost over you have to wonder about the old adage:

"March Comes In Like A Lion

  But Goes Out Like ..
A Lamb"????
 ... Maybe.

This year it seems it is going to go out as tough as it came in. Although those of us north of Boston missed this latest storm the cold remains. And after some warm weather this weekend, albeit with more storms bringing rain it seems that it may be turning cold again next week.

With all that being said this is a year to especially make sure your heating system is running at it's optimum so remember we at Simmons are still here for any issues you may have.

But let's start looking forward. We are all longing for some warm weather but does anyone even remember what warm weather feels like? Ya, short sleeves, sun on your face, tickle in your nose, eyes running and red. Wait, WHAT?? Yup, spring around here also means allergy season and while it may not be as extreme, temperature-wise like this winter or the height of summer, it can be extremely uncomfortable. This season promises to be especially bad since all that snow along with the rain that is forecast causes wet and soggy conditions which creates a perfect breeding ground for pollen according to the experts

Images by tiverylucky @
While we here at Simmons can't help with the outdoor conditions we certainly can with your indoor conditions so do not hesitate to contact us about more information on making your home clear of allergy creating conditions.

So enjoy our New England weather, keep an eye out for the wild life and have plenty of tissues and allergy pills handy.

(did we mention we provide service on air conditioning systems??)

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I know, I know I just posted on the coming of spring.
But with the official start of spring in 9 days(this being March 13th as I write this), still taking emergency calls for no heat when people should start thinking about their A/C 
and then loo
king at this out the window:

Image by Simon Howden @

I  figured we needed all the psychological relief we could find. 

So without further ado some further reminders that the color green(or any color other than white) is on it's way beyond the fact that St. Patrick's Day is Monday.

Wednesday saw the start of the Annual Boston Flower Show
It runs until Sunday March 16th and it is worth the trip(especially this year). So if you are sick of the cold, and with a little respit Saturday it looks like the cold is coming back, take in the show while it's here. May be a while before it shows up for real.
 With only three weeks until opening day for our - 

World Champion Red Sox 

It's gotta mean that the end is near for this relentless winter right? RIGHT??

At least we can watch the pre season from the warmth of our living rooms.

Wait is .. that ... the .... sun?? - Nope more snow. 

Ok back to this - it helps - stay warm!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spring IS Coming

 Image by Serge Bertasius Photography @

Snow, snow and more snow. And when it isn’t snowing it’s so cold that when we had a day in the forties it felt like beach weather. What a winter, it might not be a record breaker for snowfall and freezing temperatures but for sheer relentlessness the winter of 2014 in Massachusetts and New Hampshire will be remembered. And it isn’t over yet. It can wear you down. It can also wear down your heating and plumbing system.

You know Simmons will always be here 24/7 to help you out. Any issue or emergency you may encounter this season, whether it is a furnace that breaks down or pipes that freeze from these sub-artic nights, just give us a call and we’ll be on your doorstep to keep your heat rising and your water flowing.

But like we said it isn’t only your boilers and water heaters that are taking a beating this winter it’s you as well. So with that in mind we would like to offer some thoughts and ideas that, hopefully, will warm you up and help you look forward to the spring and the warmer weather that comes with it.

Add a little color to this bleak winter by taking in Haverhill’s Soles of Haverhill Shoe-labration

To celebrate the important role of shoe manufacturing & design in Haverhill’s history, you can find a  public display of painted shoe sculptures throughout downtown Haverhill MA. For more information call (978) 697-1648 or visit their facebook page.

Nothing says Spring in New England like Flower Shows and St. Patrick's Day

Looking for a little color check out this link for a complete list of flower shows across New England in the coming weeks

Flower Shows

Image by Arvind Balaraman @

  And if one color says spring it's green and nothing says green like:


Image by Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee @


Spring IS Coming

Snow, snow and more snow. And when it isn’t snowing it’s so cold that when we had a day in the forties it felt like beach weather. What a winter, it might not be a record breaker for snowfall and freezing temperatures but for sheer relentlessness the winter of 2014 in Massachusetts and New Hampshire will be remembered. And it isn’t over yet. It can wear you down. It can also wear down your heating and plumbing system.

You know Simmons will always be here 24/7 to help you out. Any issue or emergency you may encounter this season, whether it is a furnace that breaks down or pipes that freeze from these sub-artic nights, just give us a call and we’ll be on your doorstep to keep your heat rising and your water flowing.

But like we said it isn’t only your boilers and water heaters that are taking a beating this winter it’s you as well. So with that in mind we would like to offer some thoughts and ideas that, hopefully, will warm you up and help you look forward to the spring and the warmer weather that comes with it.

Add a little color to this bleak winter by taking in Haverhill’s

(Portsmouth events, Haverhill events, any spring events in the area(flower show, boat show), Spring training, baseball, ice cream stand openings, weeks until spring, St paddy’s dat(lots o green)