Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring and our thoughts turn to...Air Conditioning

Yes it is Spring in New England! 


Winter is over and our Boys of Summer are back. Everything is right with the world... well not quite.
Yes that was snow we saw on the ground the second week of April and our returning World Series Champs haven't even made it to 500 ball.

But we at Simmons Plumbing know that both of these situations are temporary. While there is not much we can do for the Red Sox other than root for the home team with the rest of you, we can offer solutions for your comfort in the heat we know is coming.

Air Conditioners are an integral part of the way we live today. They offer comfortable spaces where we live, where we work and in the vehicles we use to go back and forth between both. From portable wall units to massive industrial systems, air conditioning not only makes modern life comfortable but in some cases possible where it was not before. Environments from air planes to hospitals and many spaces in between would not be possible without modern air conditioning systems. 

And they are not only for cooling the air but for keeping the air in these facilities at a constant temperature year round. They are responsible for the Heating and Ventilation as well as Air Conditioning. In fact that is what HVAC stands for - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.

Here is a list of some of the different types of Air Conditioner units you may be interested in.

The air conditioners that most people are familiar with are the portable window units we see in homes and sometimes the larger units recessed in walls. But there are many others.

Central Air Conditioners are the next type that people are also familiar with since they are becoming more and more common in new home construction.  Central air conditioners come in two basic set ups: Split System and Packaged.

Split Systems are what homeowners are more accustomed to seeing. They are called split systems because the compressor/condenser part of the a/c is housed in a unit outside the home and the evaporator is inside and sends the cool air through the home via ductwork(most likely the same as heats the home). Since the compressor/condenser makes the most noise and is outside these systems have the benefit of being quiet.

Packaged central air conditioners are used on larger buildings and if you have seen units on the roof this is most likely a packaged variety.

Ductless or Mini Split Aair Conditioning Systems - These ac units are kind of a cross between a Split System unit and a portable air conditioner, if you will. If your home does not have duct work and you are looking for something more than a window unit this may be what you are looking for. It consists of an outdoor unit similiar to a split system central air conditioner that is attached to many smaller wall units through out the home.

Bag of Ice and a Fan, just kidding ;) but it can work if you have no other choice - we recommend the above units however!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Spring from Simmons Cooling, Plumbing & HVAC

Winter is finally over and spring is on the way. With the change in seasons, we move away from worrying about the cold and keeping our heating systems  running, to allergy season and how to survive the day to day dilemma of  itchy eyes and runny noses.

Image by Stuart Miles at

We here at Simmons can only sympathize with your plight with dealing with allergies while outdoors and leave what ever help you may find to your doctor. When it comes to helping you find relief and comfort indoors we are more than qualified to offer both advice and solutions to this seasonal issue.

It may not at first seem obvious but it is a fact that the indoor air quality in your home or office can be worse than the air outside. This is because the allergens that are present outside this time of year are also inside. Add to this the indoor particles caused by mold, pet dander, dust mites and fumes from appliances such as water heaters or ovens and you can see why the air inside can potentially be worse. Also it is worth mentioning that these irritants, unlike the seasonal variety outside, can be present year round.

Unlike the outdoor air quality, however, there is plenty that can be done to control the quality of air inside. There are many appliances and systems around your home or office that we at Simmons are qualified to maintain and repair. There are some steps, however, that you can take yourself to improve the air quality in your home        
  • Add houseplants  -  One Houseplant for every 100 square feet of indoor living space will greatly increase the quality of the air in your home.
  • Do not smoke indoors  -  This one should go without saying but still good advice.
  • Fight against dust-mites  -  Clean bedding frequently(at least weekly), keep pets off of furniture.
  • Check your Radon Level  -  The EPA can provide you with a do-it-yourself testing kit. For more information you can find the kit here.

For anything that requires professional assistance give us a call. We can help with everything. Cleaning out the gas jets of your gas oven, will cut down on the fumes that may cause poor air quality. Or we can install a complete ventilation or indoor air quality system. Give us a call or contact us and we will be happy to help you enjoy the bright warm weather ahead.

Happy Spring from Simmons Cooling, Plumbing and HVAC!!