With it now officially spring(according to the calender anyway) and March almost over you have to wonder about the old adage:
But Goes Out Like ..
A Lamb"????
... Maybe.
This year it seems it is going to go out as tough as it came in. Although those of us north of Boston missed this latest storm the cold remains. And after some warm weather this weekend, albeit with more storms bringing rain it seems that it may be turning cold again next week.
With all that being said this is a year to especially make sure your heating system is running at it's optimum so remember we at Simmons are still here for any issues you may have.
But let's start looking forward. We are all longing for some warm weather but does anyone even remember what warm weather feels like? Ya, short sleeves, sun on your face, tickle in your nose, eyes running and red. Wait, WHAT?? Yup, spring around here also means allergy season and while it may not be as extreme, temperature-wise like this winter or the height of summer, it can be extremely uncomfortable. This season promises to be especially bad since all that snow along with the rain that is forecast causes wet and soggy conditions which creates a perfect breeding ground for pollen according to the experts.
Images by tiverylucky @ freedigitalphotos.net
While we here at Simmons can't help with the outdoor conditions we certainly can with your indoor conditions so do not hesitate to contact us about more information on making your home clear of allergy creating conditions.
So enjoy our New England weather, keep an eye out for the wild life and have plenty of tissues and allergy pills handy.
(did we mention we provide service on air conditioning systems??)